Drink, Slay, Love by Sarah Beth Durst

"Dude, you ask her." "Nu-uh, you ask." "Rock paper scissors?" "You cheat, man," Matt said. "How is it possible to cheat at rock paper scissors? Zeke asked. "You game the system," Matt said. "It's not my fault you always choose rock." "My manly strength will not allow me to choose a less unyielding material," Matt said. "I have rocks for muscles. You fear my strength." "Whatever," Zeke said. "You never choose scissors." "Sometimes I choose paper," Matt said. "You can't predict me. I'm cagey." "You always choose rock or paper," Zeke said. "So long as I always choose paper, I can't lose." "See, I knew you gamed the system."


SInce I kinda, (cough), forgot to post my quote of the day yesterday, I'm compensating with two today and with a slightly longer one. Please forgive me!


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