The New Hunger by Isaac Marion

"Nature is hungry. It is ready to take back what the man stole from it by living."
Before R was R, he was a wandering corpse in search of who and what he is. And Julie's past is revealed as a kick-ass child soldier and being forced to grow up way too fast, while she's still only an 11 year old little girl wanting nothing more than to live a normal life kids her age do, sheltered from all the ugliness of the world. Also, Julie's best friend Nora is chronicled as she struggles to survive and at the same time protects and raises her little brother. Even M plays a part at the absolute fringes. 
The New Hunger is the prequel to Warm Bodies and gives an in-depth look into the beginning of R, as well as Julie's not-so-happy childhood. And it tells the part of Nora's life that affected her the most, that changed her. The story alternates between the three perspectives, telling three different stories about three different people, but all with the same goal. To live. At times, they intersect and together the three stories blend together beautifully into one, about the different sides of humans (or creatures) and what they are willing to do to survive.
The book leaves the reader with many still-unanswered questions about the characters' pasts, but what else are we supposed to use our imagination for? I think this background story isn't really necessary, but I still love it, as I get to know the characters better and gain a better understanding of them. I miss the humor from Warm Bodies, but it doesn't work in this setting, although there are some parts that shines through the darkness. It's not a cheery story, much less than its sequel and I'm amazed how Marion can depict such a dark story without making it depressing. Well, at least not Prozac-depressing.
Marion describes in more detail how his zombies function and how they "think" in this book, which I find very intriguing. It also gives a better picture of how the world is outside the walls of safety in Warm Bodies and how the Living can survive. To sum up, if you like Warm Bodies or unconventional zombie stories or right out dark, post-apocalyptic half-depressing stories, READ IT!



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